The Chesapeake Conservancy envisions a healthier Chesapeake Bay watershed where fish and wildlife thrive, and everyone enjoys healthy waters and abundant forests, wetlands, shorelines, and open spaces—as immortalized in Captain John Smith’s voyage of exploration, a place of natural wonder, rich in cultural traditions, treasured and conserved for all.
The Conservancy works to achieve a healthier Chesapeake Bay watershed by connecting people with its wildlife and history, conserving landscapes and rivers, and restoring its natural resources.
We serve as a catalyst for change, advancing strong public and private partnerships, developing and using new technology, and driving innovation throughout our work.
From our founding, we have embraced the National Park Service’s Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail as an inspiration and framework for our work in the region.
Our three goals are:
- Connect people to the Chesapeake Bay
- Conserve its landscapes and special places
- Restore its lands, habitats, and waters.
Bay Access for All
At the Chesapeake Conservancy, through our partnerships with the National Park Service and others, we are protecting key natural and historical resources throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, connecting people to the many ways to enjoy our natural resources, and inspiring passion to care for them.
From our founding, Captain John Smith’s exploration of the Chesapeake and the resulting map, as well as the description of the environment where Native Americans thrived during his journey from 1607 to 1609, have formed the backbone of our work. Just as Captain Smith mapped the Chesapeake region with the tools of his time, we are mapping the watershed with cutting edge tools to the 1-meter scale, using satellite imagery, cloud-based computing, and Geographic Information Systems. Information is power, and this information is powering the restoration of the Chesapeake.
We believe in democratizing such environmental data—making information, tools, and technology available to everyone for conservation. That means that a landowner who wants to reduce the amount of runoff entering the Bay from his property can do so quickly, cheaply, and to maximum effect. It means that Chesapeake Conservancy or our partners can identify the best places for parks and access sites, so that every child can experience the wonders of the Chesapeake.
Access to the Bay and access to conservation tools are hallmarks of the Chesapeake Conservancy’s work. And without your support, this wouldn’t be possible. Thank you for your commitment to Bay Access for All.
Doug P. Wheeler Joel E. Dunn
Chairman of the Board President & CEO

- Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Werowocomoco
- Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
- Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge
- James River National Wildlife Refuge
- Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park
- George Washington and Thomas Jefferson National Forests
- Fort Monroe National Monument
- Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network to create 153 new access sites
- Empower local environmental stewardship
- Enable epic collaboration
- Focus the community on quantified outcomes
- Drive measurable results
- Justify continued public investments
- Create new private investment opportunities
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Highlighting the Chesapeake as a National Treasure.
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It is potentially home to significant American Indian artifacts.
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“Through this project, Chesapeake Conservancy and our partners are using precision conservation—projects at the right place, the right scale, the right size, the right time, and making sure they are working—to pilot a new approach to conservation. Instead of sweeping acquisitions or all-encompassing legislation, we can use the latest high-resolution datasets to conduct advanced geospatial analysis to better target and implement best management practices.”
– Joel Dunn, President and CEO

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Our sincere appreciation to the individual, foundation, and corporate donors who have made our work possible.
Planned Gifts
Anne Gordon Keidel Trust
Charles and Mary Dankmeyer
Anonymous (3)
The 1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation
Bunting Family Foundation
Campbell Foundation
The Helena Foundation
Farvue Foundation
Bob and Chris Friend
Turney McKnight
Merrill Family Foundation
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
Wallace Genetic Foundation
Bancroft Foundation
Foundation for PA Watersheds
Richard Scobey
The Shared Earth Foundation
Charles and Mary Dankmeyer
Paul Hagen and Chris Jahnke
Intel Corporation
James M. and Margaret V. Stine Foundation
Lancaster County Conservancy
Piedmont Environmental Council
Anne Scott
Edward and Kathleen Allenby
Bob Baugh
Scott and Nancy Beatty
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.
The Brick Companies
Central National-Gottesman Foundation
Cherry Bekaert, LLP
Chesapeake Contracting Group
Civil War Trust
Kevin and Katie Cooke
Jane Cooper and Philip Angell
Wilton and Mary Bruce Corkern
Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation
Jane Danowitz
Leslie Delagran and Mark McConnell
Nick Dilks
Elinor Farquhar
Richard Franyo
Betty M. Garrand
Phil and Meri Gibbs
Glen’s Garden Market
Michael Hankin
Stephen F. Harper
Herrington Harbour North
Herrington on the Bay LTD
Hogan Lovells
Glenn and Barbara Jackson
Joe and Martha Janney
John G. & Jean R. Gosnell Foundation, Inc.
The Kinsley Foundation
Sally Kleberg
Randy Larrimore and Cathy Teare Cutright
Lucie Lehmann
Martin Architectural Group
Jeffery More and Helen Quick
David and Kim Morrow
The National Trust for Historic Preservation
John and Sue Neely
Pat and Nancy Noonan
Olin Corporation Charitable Trust
Anna and Leonard Pfeiffer
Ed and Kathy Quinn
Eddie and Meghan Quinn
Ann Rose
Ryna & Melvin Cohen Family Foundation, Inc.
Thomas D. Scott
Truman and Nellie Semans
Charles Stek
Stephenson Pope Babcock Foundation
Edward L. Strohbehn Jr.
Virginia Environmental Endowment
Hill and Alice Wellford
Jean and Gordon Wells
Doug Wheeler
Bruce Wiltsie and Bill Davenport
Great Blue Heron Club ($500-$999)
The Allayne and Douglas Wick Foundation
A.J. Bowden
Chad and Jody Couser
Melissa Ehrenreich
Holly Evans
George Eysymontt
Garden Club of Twenty, Inc.
John Kaul Greene
Gil Grosvenor
Verna Harrison and Bob Pelrine
James L. Jarvis
Joseph McCauley
Ed McMahon
Mark Mobley and Magda Westerhout Mobley
James and Elizabeth Morley
Mark and Karen Perreault
Nat Reed
Daniel L. Ridout, MD
Daniel Sakura and Angela Kramer
Simon Sidamon-Eristoff
Pat Smerdzinski
Peter and Melissa Smith
Kristin Sorensen
Robert Stanton
Bruce and Betsy Stefany
Roger and Sally Stobbart
John and Kimberly Thacker
Eagle Club ($250-$499)
Scott and Kathy Allan
Alpha Engineering
Bruce Armistead
Ann Bissell
Susan Borschel
Peter Bungay
Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County
Joel Dunn
Joan Fennekohl
Susan French
Kyle and Anne German
Pamela Gregory
John and Michele Griffin
Ed Haile
Joanne Herman
Margaret and Edward Jackson
Megan Lamb
Glennda Lockard
Main Street America Group
Joseph and Anne Maroon
Dennis W. Meadowcroft
Microsoft Corporation
Susan Moerschel
Kathy Moore
Sara Morningstar and Philip Katz
Brendan O’Neill
Audrey Pendleton
James Reid and Elizabeth Reid
Robert Reisner
Susan Rogers
Janet and James Ross
Paul Sarbanes
Bill and Wendy Schickler
Kurt and Leslie Schwoppe
Bob and Leah Shepherd
John and Lisa Sherwood
Jimmy Slaughter
Doug and Lynn Smarte
Daniel Stack
Michael Stack
Thomas Straehle
Amy Stump
David Wye
Mark Young and Rachel Carren
Osprey Club ($100-$249)
Anonymous (4)
Nancy Alexander
Jack and Lori Arnold
Robert and Susan Artigiani
Randy and Art Baker
Peter Bance
Gordon Binder
Cheryl Bishop
Steve and Clare Blaine
Alexis Blake
Bridget and James Blake
Karl Blankenship and Kathleen Gaskell-Blankenship
Curtis Bohlen
Posey and Bill Boicourt
David and Suzanne Boyd
Bruce Bugbee
C. Allen Bush and Luise Graff
Rebecca Byrd
Bob and Jona Capra
John and Anna Castle
Joseph Cordone
Lillie-bug and Ken Crowley
Gene Cunningham
Paula A. Degen
Heather DeHeer
Nancy Dentz
Mary Clare Duffy
Barbara Earley
Mrs. Samuel A. Elder
Sarah Elder
Four Rivers Garden Club of Annapolis
Bob and Lois Gajdys
Sarah Gallen
Linda Gaydos
David Geisel
David and Rebecca Genshaw
Diane Godstrey
Cynthia Wagner Golliday
Michael Goralski
Mary Greiner
Karl and Maureen Grizio
Mike Grubert
Julia B. Hale
Chris and Meg Hankin
Corbin Harwood
Nancy Horne
Nina Rodale Houghton
Hope Howard
Joyce Huber
Barbara C. Huntsman
Sallie Jackson
Joseph and Catherine Janssens
Destry Jarvis
Elizabeth Johnson
Wallis Kelbaugh
Margaret D. Keller
Dick Lahn
Ruth Lane
Rebecca Lawson
Carol Leach
Charles and Leslie Leaver
Patrick Leech
Ruby Lehman
Simma and Ron Liebman
Thomas E. Lovejoy
Fred and Jean Lucas
George and Mandy Mahoney
Pamela Marks
Bob Marshall
Bruno and Grace Mattiello
Timothy McBride
Merck Foundation
Martin and Valentina Miller
David and Lisa Mills
Robert and Eileen Moore
Carolyn Mulcahy
Barbara L. Murphy
The Honorable W. Tayloe Murphy Jr. and Mrs. Murphy
Tracey Norberg
Jeffrey Norris
Catherine North
Nancy O’Brien
Keith O’Connor and Jill Isenbarger
Osprey Sisters
Steve and Polly Percy
Bethany Phillips
Elizabeth Pippin
Ann and Eliot Powell
John and Barbara Reynolds
Bob and Joan Rich
Tack and Catherine Richardson
Brenda Rion
Norma Roberts
Dave Robertson
Ruth Robinson
Marina Rogin
Judith Roth
Catherine Rygiel
Jeffrey and Phyllis Sabot
R. Downie and Sally Saussy
John A. and J. Luray Schaffner
John Jay Schwarz
Teresa Seeger
Robert and Audrey Shade
Susan Shingledecker
Dick Shrum
Michael and Catherine Shultz
Bruce Smart
Rick and Jill Springer
Hal and Stephanie Standiford
Gloria Stearns
Judith Stearns
Amy Stolarski
Joan Barton Sundheim
Ann and Eric Swanson
Linda Tatro
Brian and Marjorie Taylor
Parvin Titus
Lorie Tudor
John Turner
Diana Weatherby
Dona and Rick Weingarten
Thacher and Doris White
Sharee Williamson
Barbara Winner
Donna and Bob Zellers
Supporters ($25-$99)
Anonymous (2)
Gary and Barbara Allen
Bruce and Cyndee Archer
Bob Austin
Thomas Badenoch
Maureen Barrett
Preston Bascom
Bonnie Becker
Cynthia Bickford
Stephen Bilanow and Joyce Duffy-Bilanow
Charles and Mary Beth Brown
David G. Burke
Patricia Bush
Bill and Helga Butler
William and Marion Butler
Kelly Caulfield
Barbara Cook
Anthony and Sandra Crute
Douglas Cunningham
Jennifer DeLancey
Betty Anne Dinker
Andrew Dinsmore
Barbara Elkins
Charles Evans
Kathy Felmey
Richard and Lorraine Fleming
Iris Fox
Susan Gentleman
Charles Glenn
Ann Graziano
Linda Griffin
Stephen Griffith
Daniel Haas
Jill and Ridge Hall
Steven Halpern
Hannah Hamill
Carol and Woody Hearn
Joanne Hedeman
Eloise Hendrixson
Danalee Henkart
Herbert Hennings
Nancy Hisky
Mary Holthaus
IBM Corporation
Bud Jenkins
Evan Jensen
Martha Johnston
Joanne Juskus
Joan Kaplan
Elsa Katana
Tom and Julia Kemp
Carolyn Kennedy
Lisa Kenyon
Emilie Knud-Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Koons, Jr.
James Kosmides
Steve Kover
Cynthia Langhirt
Shirley Lavin
Glenda Lee
Jean LeGros
Catherine Lewis
Rob Lewis
Steve Lindblom
Theodore Lingelbach
Matt Lockwood
Connie Ludvigsen
Judith Mabry
Judith MacLellan
Leslie Magalis
Michael Martin
E. Jane Menzel
Julia Metcalf
Ed and Eileen Mowle
Kathy Nash
David Nemazie
Michael Norton
Linda Oakey
John Oliva
Richard Oliver
Sammy Orlando
Mark Outten
Lane Page
Kent and Phoebe Palcanis
Lori Pelech
Reed Perry
George Phillips
Paul and Susan Potyraj
Andre Putnam
Glen Pyles
Gary A. Reisman
Ronald Riebman
Craig and Joyce Riley
Arthur Robinson
Margaret Rogers
Lesley Ross
Mia Ryan
Ms. Betty Sue Salvia
Douglas Sanford
Dan and Becky Scherr
Jane H. Scott
Howard Shaker
Bridget Ball Shaw
Maggie Sheppard
Glenna Simmons
Sarah Wilde Sinnott
Beth Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Patty Smith
Sarah Stolte
Bill and Eleanor Strietman
Bill and Carol Titus
Anthony Trenkle
Ted and Jeanne Trott
Joan Vogel
Caity Wallace
Betty Lou Ward
Raymond and Tara Wenzel
Lisa and Eric Whisenhunt
Darlene and Patrick Wilson
Deborah Wissel
David Yang
Abigail Yee
Monthly Donors
Melissa Ehrenreich
Hope Howard
Shirley Lavin
Lucie Lehmann
Dave Robertson
Peter and Melissa Smith
Kristin Sorensen
Thomas Straehle
In-Kind Gifts
Christian Graphic Solutions
Creative Xpressions
Bryan Samuel
Total Wine & More
Craig Turner
Turner Sculpture
Matching Gifts
IBM Corporation
Intel Corporation
Olin Corporation Charitable Trust
Main Street America Group
Merck Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Pew Charitable Trusts
Donation Honorees (Donor in parentheses)
George Badenoch and Olga Melbardis (Thomas Badenoch)
Kate Baker (Parvin Titus)
Carolyn Black (Bridget Ball Shaw)
Caroline Coogan (Megan Lamb)
Joseph and Genevieve Coyle (Judith Roth)
Melissa and Jeremy Ehrenreich (Pamela Gregory)
Einstein, the Great Blue Heron (Barbara Winner)
Peter Jensen (Evan Jensen)
Captain Kern and First Mate Susan Gauvey (Judith MacLellan)
Randall Larrimore’s birthday (Doug and Lynn Smarte)
Randall Larrimore’s dedication to the Chesapeake Conservancy (Cathy Teare Cutright)
Debbie & Greg Leber (Rob Lewis)
Lauren Naccarelli (Maggie Sheppard)
Patrick Noonan (Joel Dunn)
James F. Norton (Michael Norton)
Chancellor Oliver (Richard Oliver)
Osprey Cam (Mary Holthaus)
Larry Page (Lane Page)
Naomi Rothenberg (Abigail Yee)
Sandy (Catherine Rygiel)
Rick Scobey (Margaret D. Keller)
Bernice Shaker (Howard Shaker)
Charlie Stek (Sara Morningstar and Philip Katz)
Tom and Audrey (Sallie Jackson)
Sen. John W. Warner (Tack and Catherine Richardson)
Donna Williams (Patricia Bush)
In Memoriam Honorees (Donor in parentheses)
Bill Ashe (Joseph McCauley)
Kenneth A. Campbell (Judith Stearns)
Charles & Marie (David Geisel)
Rody Davies (Joseph and Catherine Janssens)
Walter Earley (Daniel Stack)
Jim & Aiko Geehan (Connie Ludvigsen)
John Higgins II (Downie and Sally Saussy)
Jack Kelbaugh (Wallis Kelbaugh)
Thelma Wright Moerschel (Susan Moerschel)
Tony Panitz (Joanne Juskus)
Renny (Michael Martin)
Catherine Rygiel’s mom, who loved birds (Catherine Rygiel)
Robert Shevchik (Norma Roberts)
Terry L. Williams (Linda Oakey)
M. Gordon (Reds) Wolman (Elsa Katana)
Government and Organizational Partners
Bancroft Foundation
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Colony Cove, LLC
Community Foundation of Northern Virginia
Ecosystem Investment Partners
Fauquier County Department of Community Development
George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.
James River Association
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Microsoft Corporation
Mt. Cuba Center
National Forests in Florida, U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
National Park Service – Chesapeake Bay Office
Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Region 5 Office
Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust